TRI, SIBOLGA - Usaha memutus mata rantai penyebaran Virus Corona (Covid-19) menjadi penting dilakukan.
Satu di antaranya dengan physical distancing atau jaga jarak fisik, seperti yang mulai gencar dilakukan saat ini.
Polres Sibolga pun tak mau kecolongan, dalam usaha mengurai siapa pun yang bercokol di keramaian.
Kafe pun jadi sasaran.
Dari informasi yang berhasil dihimpun Tri bun Medan polisi laksanakan razia di tujuh cafe yang berada di wilayah hukum Polres Sibolga pada Selasa (31/3/2020) malam.
Kapolres Sibolga AKBP Triyadi, Kasubag Humas Iptu R Sormin mengatakan, Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Aman Nusa II Covid -19, Polres Sibolga melaksanakan Apel Gabungan di halaman Mako Polres Sibolga.
Hal ini dilakukan dalam rangka tugas Terpadu Menghimbau Masyarakat tentang pencegahan wabah Virus Corona (Covid-19).
"Apel tersebut dipimpin Kasat Narkoba AKP Rudi HUJ Sitorus selaku Koordinator Kegiatan dan diikuti oleh Kapolsek Sibolga Selatan IPTU.Bremer Hulu," ujarnya Rabu (1/4/2020).
Untuk jumlah personel, lanjut Humas berjumlah 12 polisi, 2 personel TNI, gabungan personil BPBD dan Sat Pol PP Kota Sibolga 15 personil.
"Adapun kegiatan yakni imbauan sebagai langkah pencegahan penyebaran virus Corona (Covid-19). Masyarakat agar membubarkan diri dan kembali ke rumah masing-masing. Membungkus makanan dan minuman dan membawa pulang. Menyampaikan pesan Maklumat Kapolri. Serta mengimbau masyarakat agar bersama sama memerangi penyebaran virus Covid-19 khususnya di wilayah kota Sibolga," ungkapnya.
Adapun tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi sebagian besar adalah warung-warung kopi, dan tempat keramaian yang sering di kunjungi masyarakat kota Sibolga di antaranya yakni Warung makan di Pasar Belakang.
Warung kopi di Jalan KH A Dahlan, Warung makan angkringan Jogja, Warung TST Jalan Horas.
Sibolga Square Jalan Ahmad Yani Sibolga, Pemuda yang berkumpul di seputaran Lapangan Simare - mare dan Warung kopi Kabayan. – Pemerintah Kota Tangerang mencabut status tanggap darurat bencana wabah corona. Keputusan itu tertuang dalam Surat Edaran Nomor 4431/1176/BPBD/2020 tentang Tindak Lanjut Pencegahan Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19).
Surat itu diteken langsung Ketua Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Corona Disease di Kota Tangerang Herman Suwarman. Dengan begitu kegiatan masyarakat di Kota Tangerang kembali dibuka dengan pemberlakuan jam operasional.
Hal itu tak berlaku bagi tempat hiburan dan rekreasi. Pemilik diminta tetap menutup tempat hiburan dan rekreasi sampai waktu yang tidak ditentukan.
“Pemilik usaha penyelenggaraan kegiatan hiburan dan rekreasi untuk menutup tempat-tempat hiburan dan tempat rekreasi,” tulis surat edaran itu dikutip Selasa (31/3/2020).
Tempat hiburan dan rekreasi yang dimaksud yaitu gelanggang olahraga/seni, arena permainan, spa panti pijat, taman rekreasi, karaoke, warnet/game online, dan jasa impresariat. Sementara pemilik usaha makanan dan minuman diminta membatasi jam operasional sampai pukul 21.00 WIB dan tidak memfasilitasi makan dan minum di tempat.
Peraturan berikutnya Pemkot melarang pendatang mudik ke kampung halaman masing-masing. Jika Pemkot Tangerang mencabut masa tanggap darurat berbeda dengan Pemkot Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) yang memperpanjangnya hingga Mei 2020.
Wali Kota Tangsel, Airin Rachmi Diany tidak mau mengambil risiko karena persebaran corona yang semakin luas di daerah tersebut. Bahkan telah menimbulkan pasien meninggal dunia sebanyak enam orang.
“Masa tanggap darurat wabah virus corona di Tangsel diperpanjang hingga Mei 2020, sesuai dengan arahan dari BNPB dan gugus tugas penanggulangan wabah corona, dibentuk hingga di tingkat RW,” katanya.(Din)
When coronavirus closed the theaters on March 12, there were still 16 shows left to open in the Broadway season. Audiences will get to see some of them later, others probably not — but what of the more than 20 plays, musicals and miscellaneous offerings that had already faced the press? It seemed unfair not to celebrate them, so on Friday, just after it was announced that the Tony Awards will not go on as usual this year, we sat down (in cyberspace) to devise a Tonys of our own. Naturally, we made our own rules.
BEN BRANTLEY Well, Jesse, even in a season that’s 16 plays short, there’s still a fat if imbalanced roster of intriguing shows. Have we ever before had such a preponderance of jukebox musicals that might qualify for Best Musical? The good news is that some enterprising minds managed to inventively retool the genre you once described as the “cockroach” of Broadway.
JESSE GREEN The cockroach has evolved! “Jagged Little Pill,” “Tina: The Tina Turner Musical,” “Girl From the North Country,” “Moulin Rouge!” and — since we’re playing by our own rules here — even “American Utopia,” the David Byrne show that was deemed ineligible for the real Tonys, are all jukeboxes, all worthy and all eligible for ours. Maybe not quite all worthy.
BRANTLEY Perhaps it’s appropriate then that the last show to open on Broadway was the most unorthodox of the “jukebox” shows. I use quotation marks here because that label seems too confining for “Girl From the North Country,” the Irish playwright and director Conor McPherson’s work that uses the songs of Bob Dylan to imagine life during the Great Depression in Duluth, Minn. The more I think about “Girl,” the more innovative and haunting it seems to me.
GREEN For me it took some time, and the show’s move from the Public Theater to Broadway, to appreciate how McPherson was deploying the music in this musical. The songs do not function the way songs normally do; they never address the situation at hand, and sometimes even contradict it. Yet in that gap, poetry grew.
BRANTLEY For me, “Girl” deals with the ineffable and unsayable through song in a way that makes it the most religious, or at least spiritual, show on Broadway. I have found this aspect of the show stays with me, as an oddly comforting reminder of the hunger for communion in this time of isolation. But moving on to matters closer to profane than sacred, what about another mold-breaker in a very different sense: “Moulin Rouge!,” based on the Baz Luhrmann movie about la vie bohème in gaslight-era Paris.
GREEN Here was a case where the gap between the story, such as it is, and the musical materials — found pop from Offenbach to Rihanna — did not produce poetry. For me it produced a headache.
BRANTLEY Ah, I had a swell time at “Moulin Rouge,” and I thought the far-reaching songbook became a kind of commentary on how such songs form the wallpaper of our minds. And then there was “Tina,” which was more business-as-usual bio-musical fare, although illuminated by a radiant, cliché-transcending performance by Adrienne Warren as Turner.
GREEN The creators of musicals really offered a sampler of ways to respond to the jukebox problem. “Jagged Little Pill,” built on the Alanis Morissette catalog, made the smart choice of abjuring biography and instead attaching her songs to a new plot (by Diablo Cody) that grew out of the same concerns and vocabulary. Or perhaps I should say “new plots,” because it is not shy with them. There are at least eight story lines.
BRANTLEY To be honest, this was the show that gave me a headache, because it was so insistently earnest in its topicality and, even when it was trying to be funny, humorless. So, of the new musicals (and we haven’t touched on “The Lightning Thief,” your personal favorite) what would you give the premature Tony to?
GREEN The one that wouldn’t be eligible: “American Utopia.” Joy and sadness bound to each other through David Byrne’s music and Annie-B Parson’s movement: What else do you want from a musical, even if it’s just a concert?
BRANTLEY I loved “American Utopia.” I think, though, I’d have to go with “Girl From the North Country,” but I wouldn’t have predicted that after seeing it in London two years ago. I find more in it every time I revisit it.
GREEN Despite all the Best Musical possibilities this truncated season, only one, “The Lightning Thief,” had a new score. Yet most of the offerings sounded new anyway, the result of terrific arrangements and orchestrations. I’m thinking especially of Justin Levine’s magpie-on-Ecstasy song collages for “Moulin Rouge!,” Tom Kitt’s theatricalization of post-grunge pop for “Jagged Little Pill” and Simon Hale’s excavation of the deeply layered Americana in Dylan’s catalog for “Girl.”
BRANTLEY Here, I’d have to say it’s a tie between “Girl” and “Moulin Rouge!,” each a remarkable accomplishment in a very different way. As for best revival, the undisputed winner is Ivo van Hove’s divisive revival of “West Side Story,” but that’s because it is, remarkably, the only musical revival so far.
GREEN I liked “West Side Story” better than you did, Ben, perhaps because I wasn’t reviewing it. I lapped up the new things it wanted to show me (while also hunting for the old things it wanted to hide from me) and didn’t worry about the elements that laid an egg. (“Gee, Officer Krupke.”) Its evocation of innocence and hopelessness felt more like real life now than I’ve experienced in previous revivals.
BRANTLEY I concede the point intellectually. But the acid test for me with theater — and musicals in particular — is how much it makes you feel. And to borrow a lyric from “A Chorus Line,” for the most part “I felt nothing.”
GREEN I admit it was odd that there were no obvious breakout performances in “West Side Story” — which brings us to our first lightning round. Who wins our Tonys for leading actor and actress in a musical?
BRANTLEY Best Actress: Adrienne Warren, for “Tina” (though Karen Olivo in “Moulin Rouge!” is pretty fab, too). Best Actor: Jay O. Sanders in, perversely, a non-singing role in “Girl From the North Country.” You?
GREEN Same. I think we are having a socially distanced mindmeld. Will that also be the case with the nine new plays and four revivals that opened before March 12? With one exception, the revivals were not as thrilling as the full slate promised to be.
BRANTLEY For me, the winner is Jamie Lloyd’s spartan, merciless revival of Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal,” which brought harsh clarity to the work’s emotional ambiguity.
GREEN And ambiguity to the play’s harsh formality — its semi-backward construction. It was certainly the best “Betrayal” I’ve seen, yet I hold out some love for the revival of “Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune,” which in retrospect turned out to be a farewell to Terrence McNally, its author, who died last week. I felt that Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald did it, and him, justice.
BRANTLEY It was certainly a reminder of his shrewdness and compassion. I was perhaps a little too conscious of the Acting, with a capital A. But it was a welcome addition to the season. For Best Play, we have a far more varied field, no? I suspect we’ll agree on the winner here, the season’s great iconoclast.
GREEN Yes, “Slave Play,” by Jeremy O. Harris, wins on sheer disruptive energy, even before considering its intelligence as playwriting, its knockout production (directed by Robert O’Hara) and its fearsome challenge to renegotiate race in America.
BRANTLEY But for all its shock value, what made it a wonderful play — as opposed to just a bracing exploration of dangerous ground — was its heart. By the end, you felt so completely the pain of its characters, all trying to navigate the perhaps insuperable hurdles of interracial relationships.
GREEN I think “The Inheritance” wanted to be that kind of play, too: a story of intimate relationships yet also a gay manifesto with the multipart heft of “Angels in America.” It got the heft, anyway; “Slave Play” ran 120 minutes; “The Inheritance,” 385.
BRANTLEY “The Inheritance” certainly gets points for ambition — and for the fluidity of Stephen Daldry’s production. And might I put in a word for the prickly comic abrasiveness of Tracy Letts’s “Linda Vista,” a lacerating anatomy of toxic masculinity disguised as brooding charm?
GREEN I liked what “Linda Vista” wanted to do but found it flabby. Perhaps straitened times demand slender plays. Certainly, the other new drama I greatly admired was whippetlike: Adam Rapp’s “The Sound Inside,” an existential mystery wrapped in a literary one, or vice versa. Among other things, it allowed Mary-Louise Parker, as a Yale writing instructor, to deliver a Tony-worthy performance. And now that “How I Learned to Drive,” the other play in which she was set to star this season, has been postponed, she doesn’t have to compete against herself. Is she our winner?
BRANTLEY I am going to declare a tie between her and Laura Linney, who gave a very subtle, and emotionally transparent, performance as the title character of “My Name Is Lucy Barton,” adapted by Rona Munro from Elizabeth Strout’s novel.
GREEN I buy that. But let’s not forget Joaquina Kalukango in “Slave Play,” Eileen Atkins in “The Height of the Storm,” Zawe Ashton in “Betrayal” and Jane Alexander in “Grand Horizons.” It was a very strong semi-season for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
BRANTLEY And for Best Actor?
GREEN The real Tonys decreed that Paul Alexander Nolan was eligible for his “supporting” role in “Slave Play,” but in my Tonys he’s a strong candidate for “leading.” Still, I’ll go with Tom Hiddleston, in “Betrayal.” Or at least he wins in my newly invented category of Best Use of the Lack of a Tissue. His facial leakage was Vesuvian.
BRANTLEY He was superb — and a reminder of the cathartic value of the tears of others in theater. Of course, there’s so much to cry about now in terms of opportunities lost this season. But I’m not writing an elegy for, or even a definitive summary of, this season yet. It will be fascinating to see how it reincarnates itself, won’t it?
Apple has officially debuted a new MacBook Air that brings some of the first major changes to the laptop since Apple revitalized it in 2018. Read on as we compare the new 2020 MacBook Air against its predecessor, with details on performance, the new keyboard, and more.
2018 vs. 2019 MacBook Air
Apple revitalized the MacBook Air with a Retina Display, Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C, and more in 2018, marking its first major update after several years of neglect. And in 2019, Apple once again gave the MacBook Air a mid-year update, bringing a True Tone display and updated butterfly keyboard.
With all of that being said, the 2020 update to the MacBook Air is far more notable if only for one reason: a new keyboard design. Read on as we break down all of the changes between the 2019 MacBook Air and 2020 MacBook Air.
2020 MacBook Air Display
One of the aspects of the 2020 MacBook Air that’s unchanged compared to its predecessor is the display. You get the same 13.3-inch LED IPS panel with a 2560 x 1600 native resolution at 227 pixels per inch. Apple touts that the display has support for “millions of colors.”
The MacBook Air also still features Apple’s True Tone technology, which aims to make your Mac’s display appear more natural based on ambient light in your room.
The True Tone technology in Mac computers and Apple Pro Display XDR uses advanced multichannel sensors to adjust the color and intensity of your display and Touch Bar to match the ambient light so that images appear more natural.
The 2020 MacBook Air does, however, add support for 6K external displays. This means you can even use the new MacBook Air with Apple’s Pro Display XDR. Here are the full details on external monitor support for the 2020 MacBook Air:
One external 6K display with 6016 x 3384 resolution at 60Hz at millions of colors, or
One external 5K display with 5120 x 2880 resolution at 60Hz at millions of colors, or
Up to two external 4K displays with 4096 x 2304 resolution at 60Hz at millions of colors
Size and weight
The MacBook Air is still the thinnest and lightest computer sold by Apple, but it’s slightly thicker and heavier this year, thanks to the new Magic Keyboard (more on that in a bit). Here are the details:
2018/2019 MacBook Air dimensions:
Thickness:0.16-0.61 inch (0.41-1.56 cm)
Width:11.97 inches (30.41 cm)
Depth:8.36 inches (21.24 cm)
Weight:2.75 pounds (1.25 kg)
2020 MacBook Air dimensions:
Thickness:0.16-0.63 inch (0.41-1.61 cm)
Width:11.97 inches (30.41 cm)
Depth:8.36 inches (21.24 cm)
Weight:2.8 pounds (1.29 kg)
These changes are unlikely to be noticeable in real-world use, but if you’re using a case on your MacBook Air, you might need a new one this year. As we’ll discuss later, thickness and weight changes are well worth the new reliability and travel changes with the keyboard.
Processor and RAM
One of the major changes with this year’s MacBook Air revision is that Apple is now offering multiple different processor configurations. The 2018 and 2019 MacBook Air were only available in a single configuration: 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 with Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz.
This year, Apple is expanding the options for MacBook Air buyers. The base model includes a 1.1GHz dual-core Intel Core i3 processor with Turbo Boost up to 3.2GHz, but there are two additional configuration options:
$100 upgrade: 1.1GHz quad-core Intel Core i5, with Turbo Boost up to 3.5Ghz
$200 upgrade: 1.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 with Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz
Notably, the 2020 MacBook Air also includes faster RAM. The base configuration still offers 8GB of RAM, but it’s now 3733MHz LPDDR4X memory — which is faster than the 2133MHz LPDDR3 offered in the 2019 MacBook Air. You can still configure it up to 16GB as well, and there is still no 32GB option.
The new MacBook Air features Intel Iris Plus Graphics, compared to Intel UHD Graphics 617 in the 2019 model. Apple touts that the 2020 MacBook Air features graphics performance up to 80% faster than its predecessor.
Another major change with the 2020 MacBook Air is the base storage configuration. Whereas the base 2018 and 2019 MacBook Air models featured a measly 128GB storage configuration, Apple has increased that to 256GB this year. Almost no one should buy a computer with just 128GB of storage in 2020, so it’s nice to see Apple increase the base configuration.
You can also upgrade to configurations of 512GB and 1TB, as well as an all-new 2TB option.
The biggest change with the 2020 MacBook Air is the keyboard. Gone is the unreliable and low-travel butterfly keyboard. Instead, Apple has shifted to the same scissor switch Magic Keyboard design introduced with the 16-inch MacBook Pro last year.
There’s really only so much you can say about this keyboard change, but the gist is this: the MacBook Air’s Magic Keyboard offers additional key travel and improved reliability, two changes that make for a much more enjoyable enjoyable typing experience.
The new MacBook Air also features an “inverted T” layout for arrow keys, again much like the 16-inch MacBook MacBook Pro. You also still get a normal function row of keys along the top, flanked by Touch ID on the top-right.
More changes (or not)
The MacBook Air still features the same two Thunderbolt 3 ports as its predecessor. The webcam is also still the same at 720p, and there’s no support for Wi-Fi 6 connectivity.
Apple does point out that there are notable improvements to the speakers and microphones on the 2020 MacBook Air. There are stereo speakers with what Apple calls “wide stereo sound” as well as a new three-mic array with directional beamforming. The 2020 MacBook Air also features support for Dolby Atmos playback, unlike any previous MacBook Air.
Battery life should realistically be around the same year-over-year, though Apple actually says battery life has decreased from 12 hours to 11 hours for web browsing and from 13 hours to 12 hours for video playback.
2020 MacBook Air pricing and wrap-up
Last but not least, Apple has adjusted the pricing structure of the 2020 MacBook Air. Whereas the 2019 model started at $1,199, the the new model starts at $999. Here’s what this year’s base configuration gets you compared to last year:
For education customers, Apple is also offering an exclusive 128GB MacBook Air configuration that is priced at $799. Education buyers can also get the 256GB model for a discounted price of $899.
Should you upgrade to the 2020 MacBook Air from the 2018 or 2019 model? It really depends on your keyboard preference. If the butterfly keyboard is just too unreliable for you to use on a regular basis, then it’s an easy upgrade decision. On the other hand, If you’re actually a fan of the butterfly keyboard design, and your MacBook Air configuration offers quick enough performance, there’s really no need to rush out and upgrade.
And if you’re using a pre-2018 MacBook Air, the 2020 model is the update you’ve likely been waiting for. With a sub-$1,000 starting price, a reliable keyboard, 256GB of base storage, and multiple processor configurations, the 2020 MacBook Air feels like a true follow-up to the older MacBook Air models.
In fact, as I wrote earlier this month, the MacBook Air is the easiest MacBook to recommend to people in several years. What do you think of Apple’s 2020 MacBook Air refresh? Do you plan on buying one, or have you already? Let us know down in the comments!
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Invite your friends to join your Netflix Party remotely.
Netflix Party
Quarantine got a little easier thanks to this free extension for the Google Chrome browser called Netflix Party. It lets you start, stop and pause a Netflix movie or show so you can watch it at the same time as a group of friends and family, without the hard work of trying to synchronize everyone. ("Three, two, one ... Play!") There's also a side chat bar where you and your friends can discuss what's going on in the movie -- much like you would if you were sitting together on the couch.
The sudden and severe lack of socializing as a result of trying to stem the spread of the new coronavirus puts a particular strain on children who have been removed from school, and on people who live alone. (Here's everything you need to know about staying healthy, educated and sane during the COVID-19 pandemic.)
Netflix Party helps bridge the gap by letting you and your friends simultaneously stream shows and movies on your desktop, so you're always watching the same thing at the same time. Read on for how to download, install and use the Netflix Party extension to sync your movie-watching with family and friends.
Now playing:Watch this: Top 5 ways to supercharge Netflix
Everyone in your group needs a Netflix account
In order for this to work, everyone you send an invite to will need to have access to Netflix. If they don't have an account, Netflix is offering a free 30-day trial for new subscribers. If they're not a new subscriber, they can reactivate their account for $9 a month and cancel at any time.
Download the Google extension
After everyone has logged in to Netflix on their computers, they'll need to download the Netflix Party extension. Here's how.
3. You'll be redirected to the Google Chrome web store page to download the extension. Click Add to Chrome.
4. A pop-up box will open. Select Add Extension. You'll now see a grey NP icon in your browser toolbar.
Start watching movies with friends
Screenshot by Katie Conner/CNET
Now that you've got the extension downloaded, you can begin watching shows and movies with your friends and family. Here's how to get started.
1. Open a new tab in your Google Chrome browser and log in to Netflix.
2. Find a show or movie you'd like to watch and click on it.
3. You'll now see that the NP (Netflix Party) icon has changed from gray to red. Click the icon and select Start the party. You'll become the host, so you can either select the option for you to be the only controller pausing and playing the show, or you can let anyone take control.
4. Copy the URL from the pop-up box and send it to everyone you want to invite to the group.
5. The chatroom will appear on the right side of the screen. From there, you'll be able to see when someone joins the party.
6. Now you can laugh, cry and howl with your family and friends, and feel a little less on your own.
Why are they doing it? How will they survive? And what do the rest of the family think about it?
So much has happened in the weeks since that such questions are no longer top of mind, as the couple said in a statement Monday ahead of their official transition to being non-working members of the royal family.
"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would prefer that in the immediate weeks and months, the focus remains on the global response to Covid-19," a Sussex spokesperson said. "However, we recognize there are outstanding questions relating to their future beyond their Household transition deadline."
That future includes no longer using the name "Sussex Royal" for their nonprofit organization, website or Instagram account, as March 31 marks the end of their time as senior royals and the start of their new life. As the couple officially relinquishes their royal duties, here's what we can expect to see from their transition.
They're still part of the royal family -- but can't use royal titles
We've seen the wider family put up a united front following what royal sources initially described as "disappointment" and "upset" at the Sussexes' original bombshell statement in January of this year.
Queen Elizabeth drew the line on Harry retaining any royal appointments, most notably his cherished honorary military titles. The hybrid royal role he had initially carved out for himself clearly wasn't workable for anyone else, nor was the intention to continue using the brand in his marketing. As a result, Harry and Meghan will no longer use the titles His and Her Royal Highness, and will no longer represent the Queen.
This doesn't change Harry's place in the line of succession, and it doesn't mean the couple will no longer move in royal circles. On March 9, as part of their final royal duties, the Sussexes joined everyone from the Queen to the Countess of Wessex at Westminster Abbey for a Commonwealth Day service.
There was much written about the lack of interaction between the Sussexes and Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. But the bigger message was that while Harry and Meghan may be leaving "the firm" they remain part of the family.
They'll receive some support from Prince Charles
Behind the scenes, arrangements have been finalized on the terms of the couple's departure. The Prince of Wales agreed to continue to support them financially through his private estate, the Duchy of Cornwall, though not as far as keeping their office going at Buckingham Palace.
They were allowed to keep their home on the Windsor estate in England -- if they repaid the £2.4 million (about $3 million) of public funds used to renovate -- but the couple had made clear they intended to spend more time in North America anyway.
Initially, that appeared to mean Canada, where they had taken a house on Vancouver Island. But President Donald Trump tweeted this week that the family had left for the US and that "the US will not pay for their security protection."
A spokesperson for the Sussexes responded immediately with a statement saying they had no plans to ask the US government for security resources and that privately funded security arrangements have been made.
They're already getting to work
This leaves the Sussexes with sizeable outgoings that may not be covered by the support provided by Harry's father, even when combined with his mother's inheritance -- certainly not to the style to which they have become accustomed.
Harry has taken a couple of speaking opportunities with Wall Street banks where he discussed mental health issues. Meghan has done a voiceover for a Disney film about elephant protection in Botswana. The couple are closely associated with both these issues and can speak credibly to them, and they are also projects that could develop into lucrative income streams without appearing to compromise the royal brand.
The challenge going forward will be continuing to find such deals, ones that pay enough but don't rock the boat back in the UK. Like the rest of us, the Sussexes now have bills to pay, but they have also vowed to stop trading on the brand that made them so commercially valuable in the first place: royalty.
Now that their transition out of royalty is complete, prepare for their reinvention.
"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will spend the next few months focusing on their family and continuing to do what they can, safely and privately, to support and work with their pre-existing charitable commitments while developing their future nonprofit organization," the couple's team said in Monday's statement.
On the national level, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a travel advisory urging residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to refrain immediately from non-essential travel for 14 days. It is up to those states to implement the advisory.
Meantime, states across the country -- some of which have already issued stay at home orders to residents -- are now creating measures to restrict the movement of visitors, too.
Here are the states that currently have travel restrictions in place:
Unless it is to support critical infrastructure or for critical personal needs, all travel in the state between communities is prohibited. The restrictions apply to residents, workers and visitors.
Travel-related businesses are not obligated to verify the criteria and will rely on travelers assurances that they are eligible to travel.
Those who do travel for critical reasons will be subject to automatic quarantine or isolation except as allowed under Alaska statutes or health mandates.
Travelers entering Delaware from other states for an extended stay will now be required to self-quarantine for 14-days, according to an order from Gov. John Carney.
Florida was the first state to launch a large-scale attempt to impose self-quarantine for domestic travelers when Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an order for a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers entering the state's airports from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
The state has now begun stopping drivers at its borders with Alabama and Georgia.
Gov. David Ige asked travelers to postpone their visits to the island for the next 30 days. All arriving residents and visitors will immediately go into a 14-day quarantines upon entering the state.
In a March 26 news conference, Ige said flights to Hawaii were down 87% in that week, compared with the same week in 2019.
Travelers from Colorado and Louisiana must quarantine when they arrive in Kansas, a news release from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment said. Kansas has also placed quarantine requirements on travelers from Florida, Washington, California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois.
Gov. Andy Beshear issued an executive order requiring anyone returning to that state to quarantine for 14 days and banning travel to other states. Travel exceptions include: job-required travel, those who live on the border and need necessities, travel for healthcare reasons, travel to care for a loved one, and court orders, according to the LaTasha Buckner, Beshear's chief of staff.
Among a series of new actions including limiting gatherings to 10 people and ordering closures of shopping malls, Gov. Larry Hogan said that access to the BWI Marshall Airport terminal would be restricted and residents were urged to use transit for essential travel only.
"Some people are treating this like a vacation or a spring break with parties, cookouts, and large gatherings," said Hogan. "Let me be very clear -- if you are engaged in this, you are in violation of state law and you are endangering the lives of your fellow Marylanders."
With the exception of heath care workers, public health workers, public safety workers, transportation workers and designated essential workers, all travelers arriving to Massachusetts are instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days. Visitors are instructed not to travel to the state if they are displaying symptoms.
North Dakota
All travelers arriving to North Dakota from international locations and states with widespread coronavirus outbreaks must quarantine immediately for 14 days, according to the North Dakota Department of Health website. Essential infrastructure workers are exempt.
Gov. Kevin Stitt issued an order requiring travelers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Louisiana and Washington to undergo a 14-day quarantine.
The order also requires delivery personnel to submit to screenings upon request at health care facilities and protects health care workers from discrimination in housing and childcare.
Rhode Island
Gov. Gina Raimondo ordered that all out-of-state travelers will be stopped at the border and told to quarantine for 14 days if they intend to stay in the state. She said the order originally applied only to travelers from New York but was extended to all states because of the rate of infection in other areas, mentioning New Jersey, Connecticut and New Hampshire by name.
South Carolina
Travelers from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and the city of New Orleans will be ordered to isolate or self-quarantine for 14-days or the duration of their trip. The order does not apply to people employed by airlines, performing or assisting with the military, healthcare or emergency response.
Gov. Greg Abbott first ordered that people flying into Texas from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and the city of New Orleans be quarantined for 14 days. He later expanded the order to include anyone driving from Louisiana to Texas, and flying from the cities of Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta. Also included in the order are the states of Washington and California.
Gov. Phil Scott announced an order instructing anyone who enters Vermont from another state to self-quarantine for 14 days.
"That means heading directly to where you're going with no stops in-between," Scott said in a news conference.
West Virginia
West Virginia State Police will be monitoring state roads and highways to enforce an executive order from Gov. Jim Justice that requires out-of-state citizens to self-quaratine for 14 days.
The order is aimed at places that have substantial spread of the virus, and Justice named Louisiana, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Italy and China.
A North Carolina County
A North Carolina County is taking extreme measures to prevent coronavirus from spreading in its community.
Since March 17, only permanent residents with proper identification -- including a permanent resident entry permit -- have been allowed to enter Dare County. The county has established checkpoints around the county to stop visitors and non-resident property owners from entering the summer vacation area.
CNN's Raja Razek and Atla Spells contributed to this report.